Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself.

How is it that shows like Arrested Development, Extras, and Undeclared get cancelled after one or two seasons and shows like Will and Grace and the Hills are aired way past thier expiry dates?

How is it possible that Paul Blart- Mall Cop stayed at the theatre for over two months and they didn't even get in The Wrestler?

Dane Cook is not a funny man, I don't think I need to elaborate too much on that subject. While I'm on the subject of comedians, Adam Sandler should probably stop making movies pretty soon.

Why do most of the girls on Facebook, at one point or another find it nesecary to post grainy, yellowish webcam pictures of themselves with the same three-quarter view of themselves looking up at the camera, too much cleavage showing, with pouty lips and a surprised look in thier eyes. If you've seen it or done it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's really tired. And what is the logic behind taking a picture of yourself in your bathroom mirror? There isn't any, is there?

Someone I don't have a lot of time for is Oprah. It's admirable that she has had such success in her life, I'll give her that. And yes she gives a lot to charity- but not with out letting you know about it first. It is supposed to be a selfless act, not a means of self promotion.

Remember years ago when Oprah lost all that weight, centered her show around her accomplishment, and preached a healthy active lifestyle? Well, she chose not to maintain that lifestyle, and she's back up in weight, all of sudden she has changed her tune and starts to advocate for for feeling good as opposed to looking good. I wonder why that is.

Here's a little weight loss secret - Put down the fork, and get on a treadmill. This might seem harsh, but she has every means available to her to stay in shape except self control.

I'm not crazy about Tyra Banks either. I once caught and episode of her talk show where she talked to little girls about body image and how the media makes them feel bad about themselves. Tyra, do you not host a show in which women are eliminated based on thier appearance?

You know what else was a farce? That Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. Dove is owned by a company called UniLever, the same company that makes Axe deodorant- a product that as far as I know hasn't used any beautiful two hundred pound, forty year old mothers in its advertising.

Here's a list of musicians I think should retire- The Killers, U2, Weezer, Green Day and Madonna.

Now I don't expect everyone to agree with these opinions, but think them over, they just might start to make sense to you. And if they don't, that's okay, I've been called an asshole before.

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